Independent Living Skills

Adults in the Independent Living Program learn new skills for performing the same activities done by others with sight to help them become independent. Specialist teach skills to navigate their environment and maintain life’s responsibilities independently. Instruction is given for how to complete daily tasks such as pouring liquids, labeling personal and household items, retrieving mail, and cooking without vision. The use of adaptive technology tools such as talking clocks, liquid indicators, voice recorders for note taking, and talking calculators are just some of the devices taught helpinig individuals maintain independence in their lives. Additional services include orientation and mobility, adjustment counseling, self-advocacy, and communication skills.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program offers clients guidance and training from a vocational specialist on helpful strategies for obtaining employment. Services include resume building, cover letter writing, self-advocacy, interviewing skills, and skills for searching for jobs. In cases where the individual is already employed, training and support is offered to maintain and excel in their current position. Other services in this Program include orientation and mobility, technology training, and communication skills.


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